Sunday, January 26, 2020
White Collar And Its Impact On The Society Criminology Essay
White Collar And Its Impact On The Society Criminology Essay Sutherland defined white collar crime as a crime committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his or her occupation (Benson, 2009). According to Siegel (2012), this definition and the subsequent works of Sutherland constitute great milestone in the history of criminology. However, he notes inadequacies in this scope since it focuses on corporate criminality with emphasis on the rich and powerful members of the society. As such, definition of white collar crimes has taken a much broader perspective of the society to include corporate titans and middle-income Americans. Today, white collar crimes include credit card fraud, bankruptcy o credit frauds among others. Forms of white collar crimes White-Collar Client Fraud Common white-collar frauds include Credit card fraud, bank fraud, Health care fraud and tax evasion. Credit card fraud involves any unauthorized use of a credit card to purchase merchandise or services. There are several ways a criminal can go about committing this crime. The thief can do it the old-fashioned way and pick someones pocket. Before the victim realizes his wallet is gone, the thief can buy thousands of dollars worth of merchandise number by sending a fake e-mail asking for it. Some thieves even go through garbage looking for carbon copies of credit card transactions, just to steal the number (Benson, 2009). Finally, a criminal could commit credit card fraud by obtaining a real credit card through false pretenses. The law allows those who are hopelessly in debt to be relieved of that debt by declaring bankruptcy, that is, an official promise not to borrow any more money for a set period of time. White-collar criminals can exploit these laws to get out of paying debts, and then change their identity so that new loans can be secured. According to Siegel (2009), bank fraud may include cheque forgery, check kitting, sale of stolen cheques, presentation of false statements on loan application and unauthorized use of ATMs. In the U.S, bank fraud attracts a penalty of $1 million fine or imprisonment of up to 30 years (Benson, 2009). Health care fraud occurs when people take advantage of health care providers, health insurance companies, or government health care programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, to wrongfully gain money. The number-one type of health care fraud involves billing patterns. Doctors will perform a small task for a patient, such as treat them for a cold, but will bill the insurance company for some-thing more serious, such as setting a broken leg. In some billing fraud cases, every bill sent from the fraudulent doctors office to an insurance company was exaggerated in some way. Other types of health care fraud include kickbacks la sum of money paid illegally in exchange for favors), billing a premium rate for services performed by a person less qualified than the billing doctor, and billing for unnecessary equipment (Friedrich, 2010). Law enforcement has found significant health care fraud going on at all types of health care facilities: hospitals, doctors offices, ambulance services, laboratories, drug stores, medical equipment suppliers, and nursing homes. These frauds lead to misappropriate of government revenue resources and is likely to compromise health cover programs (Benson, 2009). Low income earners stand to suffer more in the event of collapse of such medical covers. The government may be forced to increase taxes to sustain the inflated health budgets this subjects a heavier tax burden to the public. Tax evasion is also another form of white collar client fraud in which errant taxpayers evades paying part or sum of taxes on the money earned. In this crime, the direct victim is the government while the general public is the indirect victim. According to Benson (2009), tax evasion is a challenging issue for criminological studies since many U.S citizens and organizations report cooked books of account. Unfortunately, it is difficult to draw a line between accountancy errors and tax evasion strategies. It is important to note that taxes collected by the government are used to finance public projects including education, health and infrastructure among others. Therefore, tax evasion has a long term impact on the general public as the government fails to collect enough or budgeted revenues to finance such projects. White-Collar Influence Peddling In this type of crime, individuals holding influential institutional positions sell their influence to outsiders who have interest in information about the institution or influencing the activities of the organization. Crimes in this category include organizational or government employees taking bribes from contractors in order to award them contracts they could have otherwise won on merit. Such practices compromise the quality of service delivered since in most cases, candidates unlikely to secure contracts on merit are awarded contracts. It is also compromises the ethical process of procurement in institutions (Benson, 2009). White-Collar Chiseling White-Collar chiseling involves deceit or deception by organizations or people. Chiseling schemes normally involve overcharging or billing for items never received by customers. For instance: a garage billing a customer for auto repairs that were never performed or required. It can also entail substituting cheap brand goods for expensive brands or altering product measurements with a motive of depriving customers. According to White (2008), chiseling schemes deny customers fair treatment by bending laws of familiar and reasonable business practice. For example; Robert Courtney, a Kansas City pharmacist sold diluted mixtures of cancer medication commonly used in treatment of AIDS related diseases, lung, pancreatic, advanced ovarian and breast cancers. His criminal activities had involved 98,000 prescriptions and harmed over 4,200 patients (Siegel, 2012). It is worrying that some individuals in very sensitive professions like Mr. Courtney can willfully sacrifice lives of patients for p ersonal gains. Corporate Crime Corporate crime is a form of white-collar crime in which large and influential organizations or their agents intentionally breach the laws that require them to do social good or restrain them from doing social harm. Siegel (2012) defines corporate crime as all those injurious acts committed by people in control of large companies to further their business interests. In this case, the perpetrator of the crime is a legal entity; the corporation, and as such, the law does not lift the corporate veil to hold its agents liable. Examples of crimes in this category include false claim advertising, deceptive pricing, illegal restraint of trade and worker safety violation. In false claim advertising, firms reveal certain appealing or unique information about their products or services with the purpose of luring customers in to buying them. Such firms may not reveal dangerous information about their products. In long run, the folly nature of consumers may lead to harm such as product side effects and death among others. In illegal restraint of trade, firms are involved in conspiracy with the purpose of stifling competition by creating monopolies or maintaining their set prices. In deceptive pricing, corporations communicate misleading information to potential buyers. Collectively, these malpractices enable such corporations to deprive large sums of money from the public (Siegel, 2012). Worker safety violation involves organizations poor or unsafe working conditions which are likely to harm employees. According to Benson (2009), it has been estimated that over 20 million people in the world are currently exposed to hazardous materials or work situations. Accordingly, averages of 4 million workers are injured and 4000 die on the job each year. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has played a central position in controlling workers safety by setting standards for use of dangerous chemicals such as lead, coke, benzene and arsenic among others. Violation of these standards amounts to criminal acts. White-collar swindles This form of crimes involves an individual (purportedly a criminal) using his or her ongoing business or institutional position to fraudulently trick other parties out of their property or money. Typical crimes in this category involve investment frauds in which some corporations engage in unethical investment practices to fraud the investors. For example: in the 1929 economic depression, allegedly caused by overpricing of stocks, led to collapse of the U.S stock market. Some days before the collapse of the stock market, top investor concealed the information and sold off their holdings. The collapse left masses of the American population in extreme poverty. Other investment schemes which affected economies include the Ponzi scheme, pyramid scheme and the Prime bank scheme among others (Siegel, 2012). Green Crime and its Impact on the Society and Environment According to Siegel (2012), definition of green crime can be approached from three perspectives including; legalistic, environmental justice and Bio-centric. From the legalistic perspective, environmental crimes entail all those activities that violate existing criminal laws designed to protect the environment and/or people. This stretches to include occupational health and safety, and environmental management crimes (Siegel, 2012). According to environmental justice perspective, some organizational or government activities may have a very great impact on the environment, yet such institutions may have substantial powers to manipulate environmental laws. Therefore, this approach advocates for a broader view of green crimes and not only the laws. Bio-centric view perceives environmental crime as any human activity that has the potential to disrupt a bio-system and /or destroy animal and plant life (Siegel, 2012). This is a more thorough approach since it would criminalize any human ac tivity whether as a result of negligent or intentional or manipulation that is likely to cause harm on the earths natural resources. Forms of Green Crime and their Impact Illegal logging This crime involves harvesting, processing and transporting wood products or timber in violation of existing treaties and laws. According to Siegel (2012), it is a universal activity in timber producing countries where law enforcement is lax; especially 3rd world countries. Violations in this category include evading export duties payable on transportation of logs, ignoring legally established logging quotas, processing logs without licenses and explored legally restricted forest quotas like national parks among others. These illegal logging practices generate huge profits than legally prescribed means (Cohen, 2002). According to Siegel (2012), illegal logging has a severe impact on the environment and the society. It destroys forests, which are habitats for wildlife and thus makes some animal and plant species extinct. For example: in central Africa, illegal logging has destroyed wildlife habitat and threatened wildlife including chimpanzees and Great apes. Destruction of forests leaves the surface bare. This condition is likely to result in landslides and flash floods which have in the past killed and displaced thousands of people around the worlds. Deforestation reduces the absorption rate of carbon emissions, thus significantly contributing to global warming. Illegal wildlife Exports This involves illicit movement of wildlife commodities and contrabands across national boundaries for trade purposes. Wildlife commodities include elephant ivory, rhino horns, tiger parts, exotic reptiles and birds and tiger parts among others. Wildlife contrabands include cultural artifacts, hunting trophies, traditional medicines, live pets and wild meat among others. Poaching endangers certain animal species and threatens their extinction. Illegal wildlife exports also present a risk of spreading pests and diseases to unaffected places. Non-native species can harm the receiving habitats. For instance; in Florida, non-native species imported as pets such as Pythons were abandoned in the wild and as a result, this specie has overrun its own Everglades (Gupta, 2012). In the US, the Endangered Species Act of 1973 and the Lacey Act are some of the laws that the congress passed to protect plant and animal life. These laws established criminal and civil penalties for violation involving illegal export of wildlife. The laws also established guidelines and authorities for wildlife trade inspection at entry ports (Cohen, 2002). Illegal fishing Unlicensed and illegal fishing practices are also another form of lucrative green crime. Illegal fishing may take the form of huge factory ships operating on seas, catching thousands of tons of fish or locally operated ships confined on national waters (Siegel, 2012). This crime occurs when such ships sign on their domestic rules but proceed to operate beyond the stipulated boundaries and scope, or operate without a permit in a countrys water. Illegal fishing evades regulatory bodies and consequently, it becomes difficult for a government to monitor consumption of certain species of fishes. Lack of required equipments such standard nets, and access prohibited zones can damage an ecosystem. Therefore, this practices places some species at risk of extinction. Illegal dumping Illegal dumping involves violation of federal, state or local restrictions on dumping hazardous material in the environment. These green-collar criminals dispose of dangerous wastes in illegal dump sites because they want to avoid disposal fees. Dumped materials may include construction site wastes, used motor, oil, used machinery and e-waste among others. According to Cohen (2002), chemical compounds contain in some of these wastes attracts higher disposal fees and therefore criminals look for alternative ways of disposals. Many organizations have found a way to dispose of such stocks by dumping them in developing countries for recycling. Within relatively shorter durations, such stocks become unusable and are dumped carelessly on the environment. The chemical compounds contained in these wastes such as lead and mercury, are extremely dangerous to human. Generally, such wastes degrade the environment and affect agriculture. Illegal pollution Illegal contamination of the environment involves negligent or intentional discharge of contaminated or toxic substances likely to affect the life or natural environment adversely, into a bio-system. Common dangerous chemical compounds include mercury, asbestos, Kepone, aerosols, vinyl chloride, hydro-chlorofluorocarbons, methane, nitrogen oxide refrigerants and chlorofluorocarbons among others. Water pollutants degrade the quality of water, making it inconsumable by human and animals or to affects plant life. The Gulf of Mexico and the Exxon Valdez oil disasters are good examples of illegal pollutions that greatly affected ecosystems. Hundredths of thousands of sea animals were killed besides impairing plant life (Gupta, 2012). Exposure of the aforementioned chemical compounds into the environment collectively contribute to the ozone problem and subsequent global warming which have had an impact on global weather patterns and further threatened human and plant life.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Expounding Upon Risk Factors
Given the repercussions of developing osteoarthritis and taking into consideration the considerable number of individuals with such a condition, it is without doubt essential to gain further insights regarding the risk factors for such a manifestation of arthritis; currently, a number of risk factors have been identified, with the following being among the most commonly noted variants: obesity, genetics, bone density, and injury (Felson, 2000).Beginning with obesity, one may logically assume that the additional weight of an individual would affect or possibly worsen such an inflammatory disease. Past studies have indeed proven that contrary to previous notions, obesity results to greater risks of developing osteoarthritis instead of the aforesaid inflammatory disease being a causative agent for obesity (Felson, 2000). Possible explanations for such have also been uncovered from past scientific endeavors.Aside from the deteriorative effects of excessive weight to bone structure in hip and knee areas, the existence of biochemical alterations arising from obesity which further increase one’s risk has also been speculated (Felson, 2000). As noted beforehand, genetic factors may also heighten the risk for the manifestation of osteoarthritis. In particular, studies have shown that the aforesaid disease may actually be regarded as quite heritable; furthermore, it has been determined that the likelihood of acquiring hip and spine related osteoarthritis may often be traced and estimated from genetic roots (Spector & MacGregor, 2004).Even though it is understandable to inappropriately assume that inflammatory diseases are mainly related to physical or phenotypic aspects of the human body, it is also true that most scientific findings as of late highlight the encompassing effects of genetic factors in the disease development. In fact, a myriad of chromosomes, such as 9q and 11p, have already been linked with osteoarthritis susceptibility; also, several genes have b een hypothesized to serve as potential triggers for the abovementioned disease (Spector & MacGregor, 2004).Hence, in attempting to evaluate one’s chance of developing osteoarthritis, genetic considerations should undeniably be taken into consideration. Bone density is another risk factor for osteoarthritis. To further expound, studies have established that an increased amount of bone in a given area, especially in those which often provide support for weight, may also heighten one’s susceptibility to osteoarthritis (Dequeker, Mokassa, & Aerssens, 1995).The explanation to such emphasizes the connection between the functions of bones and cartilages especially in terms of absorbing or transmitting shock from movement. As bone density increases, there is a tendency for such to become excessively rigid, which would allow for a greater efficiency in allowing impact to be passed on from bones to cartilages; eventually, the cartilage are deteriorated due to such a process (Deq ueker, Mokassa, & Aerssens, 1995).Indeed, impact is an important consideration, in understanding the relation between the basic functions of the skeletal system and the development of osteoarthritis; not only does the aforesaid system provide protection but it should not be overlooked that bones and cartilages serve as the main means of structural support for the most basic actions, highlighting the frequency in which such are utilized. Evidently, injuries are also regarded as risk factors for osteoarthritis.As established from past scientific pursuits, the degree of risk of acquiring such an inflammatory disease due to injuries differ based on severity; however, regardless of the severity, it has been noted that men nonetheless had a higher tendency of developing osteoarthritis from such (Cooper et al. , 1998). In relation to this, there have also been previous debates as to whether injuries are precursors to osteoarthritis instead of being mainly the result of the inflammatory dis ease.Significant evidence highlighting the causative nature of injuries includes the finding that patients suffering from osteoarthritis, who also suffered from hip injuries, often only experienced occasional aching and soreness characteristic of the abovementioned illness years after being injured (Cooper et al. , 1998). Hence, from the points discussed above, it becomes evident that osteoarthritis is indeed an inflammatory disease of complicated nature. References Cooper, C., Inskip, H., Croft, P., Campbell, L., Smith, G., McLaren, M., & Coggon, D. (1998). Individual Risk Factors for Hip Osteoarthritis: Obesity, Hip Injury, and Physical Activity. American Journal of Epidemiology, 147(6), 516 – 522. Dequeker, J., Mokassa, L., & Aerssens, J. (1995). Bone Density and Osteoarthritis. J. Rheumatol. Suppl, 43, 98 – 100. Felson, D.T. (2000). Osteoarthritis: New Insights. Annals of Internal Medicine, 133(8), 635 – 646. Spector, T.D. & MacGregor, A.J. (2004). Risk Factors of Osteoarthritis: Genetics. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 12(1), 39 – 44.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Secret of Scholarship Essay Samples Pdf That Nobody Is Discussing
The Secret of Scholarship Essay Samples Pdf That Nobody Is Discussing The Ultimate Strategy to Scholarship Essay Samples Pdf Keep in mind, the judges who select the scholarship winners are seeking an essay that's original and responds to the purpose and aims of the scholarship program. Being invited for a scholarship application is a remarkable experience that's why you should make the absolute most out of it. Not everybody can afford excellent education, and that's why some people today decide to join the institution's scholarship program. If students don't know whether they're in the U.S. lawfully, they ought to find the help of an immigration attorney before submitting a scholarship application. A scholarship is a grant that functions as an aid for a student to have the ability to attain a specific degree of education. A scholarship essayis part of ascholarship application. Especially, write the method by which the scholarship will be able to help you continue your education including the financial conditions of your loved ones and how you'll have the ability to help them as well. Many scholarships are provided to very specific groups or kinds of students, so be sure you fit in that group. The reader must comprehend the writer's topic within the first couple of sentences. So should you need to employ college essay writer online, we're just the people that you want to contact. While it's the case that there are a few excellent writers in college some find it extremely tough to write. The very first step to any essay writing is to select a subject of interest. You don't need to possess the ideal writing skills as a way to be creative and compose an effective essay. So, obviously, you are going to wish to know the principles of writing a winning essay. Possessing another man reading the essay is critical. The New Angle On Scholarship Essay Samples Pdf Just Released You're able to get nursing application essay examples at inexpensive prices from us. The trick to writing an excellent essay is to help it become interesting, and the secret to that is to write about something you're passionate about. A scholarship essay is a significant document which is used in the processes of scholarship application. Writing financial need essays can be part of the application procedure. There are many ways to conclude your essay in an effective way. Having us to address any of the issues that you may face when coming up with scholarship essay topics will be advisable for you. Even if you're just a couple of minutes late for work, an important task might not be completed punctually. You should have your reasons, and our principal concern is that you find yourself getting an excellent grade. Without knowing appropriate essay making, your probability of going into a superior college are slim. Your financial need essay should offer exhaustive explanations why money needs to be offered to you. You will love our work. Since you can guess, writing something like I don't have money for education and urgently require some will not do the job. The Demise of Scholarship Essay Samples Pdf There's, clearly, a limit on the range of pages even our finest writers can produce with a pressing deadline, but usually, we figure out how to satisfy all the clients seeking urgent assistance. The introduction should immediately catch the reader's interest. There are plenty of lists on the internet, and they're popular for a great deal of explanations. The total format of your essay, for example, font size and margins, will solely count on the instructions offered to you. With the expert writers of our team, you don't need to fear about anything once it comes to nursing essay writing help. Nursing school essay examples are wholly researched and provide you a notion which our services are extremely dependable. In some instances you may find it challenging to compose as a result of inadequate abilities and. When there are in fact many abilities and individual characteristics which make a good nurse, described below, you will discover the top five strengths necessary for success in the nursing profession. That means you can be ensured of great scholarship essay examples. You will most likely have to submit an essay together with a resume transcript and other background details. If you discover that it's tricky to compose essays, consider discussing the essay topic when recording the conversation. The scholarship example essay is significantly needed in giving you the correct format to earn a scholarship essay. Nursing essay examples will be able to help you to understand how to compose a great thesis statement. So for those who have an essay assigned that you will need help with, you can purchase essay online cheap from us. The essay should incorporate an Introduction, a Body, and a Conclusion. It is often the most important part of your application.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Knowledge About Faith and Science - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 5 Words: 1546 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/03/21 Category Religion Essay Level High school Tags: Faith Essay Science vs Religion Essay Did you like this example? What is the key to a successful knowledge in means of faith and science? How can assistance be that key to successful learning? In compliance with philosophy, people view faith andscience with different perspectives. Some may think that faith brings upon atrue reality, while others believe more in reasoning and logic. Faith may be portrayed as a tree that branches out with different opinions; one main topic can bring upon many different subtopics. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Knowledge About Faith and Science" essay for you Create order Religiously, some people view faith asa belief and trust in God and His acts. Others may see faith as the exact opposite of logical reasoning, but not to a religious extent. Empirical scienceis the reliance on logical reasoning and evidence and this concept main lyconsists of people who believe that faith cannot bring a true reality, but scientific facts and observations can create that true reality. Although, these two concepts often contradict each other, there are ways that the topics have beneficially influenced each other towards a true reality. How can faith and science be considered beneficial when striving for truth? Perceptions of faith have altered over the past couple ofcenturies. Philosophers continuously create different outlooks and contradictions to the ideas of others. Views of faith have become more detailed and specific with new ideas emerging from prior opinions. One philosopher, Soren Kierkegaard, brought upon the idea of existentialism, which can be defined as people containing the free-will to define themselves. Kierkegaard thoughts offaith in terms of leap of faith meaning that when given a difficult choice, aperson may have to take a chance when choosing a side, and then endure the possible consequences of that decision (Faith and Reason: Kierkegaards Legacyn.pag). Science has its similarities and differences with views on faith. Emerging from empirical science, is the well-known scientific method. The scientific method is a scientific discovery that turned minds once again to materialism.(Velasquez 158). The scientific method begins with a fact, or a claim that contradicts some theories from philosophers. The method continues to go through many s teps to narrow the focus of the subject to analyze and observe any empirical proof or evidence, and come to a final conclusion. Some people view science evidence as the only way to reach the truth, others believe that faithis the only path to a true reality, and then some others believe science and faith assist each other when looking for a true reality. The concepts faith and empirical science may conflict with each other many times, but in some ways they have proven to work together while striving for a true reality. What are the theories empiricism, rationalism, and foundationalism and what do the concepts consist of? Empiricism determines a persons knowledge by personal sense experiences. Empiricisms development was assisted by the following philosophers: John Locke, George Berkeley, and David Hume. Locke believed, to an extent, that empiricism was a great theory because he thought that smaller and simpler ideas could be pieced together to create a complex idea. In other words, it is similar to putting together smaller pieces of a puzzle to create one large picture. While empiricism focuses on the theory of true knowledge by sense experience, rationalism is the concept in which apersons true knowledge is gained by reason and logic. Locke may have agreed with some aspects of empiricism but, ultimately, he sided with the rationalistic theory. Rationalists commit to ideas of other theories such as skepticism and foundationalism because they contain views that are similar or comply with opinions from rationalism. Most opinions from empiricism do notcomply with the opinions from rationalism, making them almost completely opposing theories (Rationalism vs. Empiricism n.pag.). Foundationalism can bedefined as a view that different concepts are justified because of a continuousroutine. For example, say someone has a piano rehearsal every Thursday. This person has experienced foundationalism because he or she have justified a continuous routine. This explains Similar to faith and science, the theories of empiricism, rationalism, and foundationalism have connections among each otherthat can assist with bringing a true reality forward. When contemplating the theories of foundationalism andlogical positivism, how can these topics influence faith and science? Aspreviously stated, foundationalism is a concept in which acts or judgmen ts arejustified by a pattern or usual routine. This theory is applied to philosophybecause there are patterns that exist when justifying whether a subject is trueor false. (Foundationalist Theories n.pag.). Acts or steps of faith,religiously speaking, occur such as Baptism, First Communion, and Confirmation.As a Catholic, students go through a process to understand faith and acts ofGod. The process towards confirmation is an example of foundationalism becauseit consists of a usual routine for people from the age newborns to young adultsthat will eventually gain the Christian title. Foundationalism, in philosophy,can determine truth by justifications. The theory influences the belief infaith and science because the number of people that believe in faith willdecrease, and the number of people that believe in science will increase. Manypeople nowadays tend to believe more in empirical proof and science because itis easier. Ultimately, the impact of this pattern of increasing and decreasingnumbers will completely discard faith and science will control the population.Foundationalism complies with rationalism because they both justify an act oropinion by observation instead of belief on its o wn. In simpler words, theoriesof science prove a subject as the truth because it can be displayed for others.For the side of faith, a person must only believe the subject is the truthwithout any justifications. Finding the truth with the assistance of faith,proves to be difficult for many people because they cannot physically observethe subject. Logical positivism, alsosimilar to rationalism, is a natural and important role for logic andmathematics and to find an understanding of philosophy (Logical Empiricismn.pag.). Logical empiricism differs from empiricism because logical empiricismis the attempt to understand philosophical theories with reasoning. Empiricism focusesmainly on the development of experience through personal senses. All theories mentioned prior to this point, are complex and entangled. This explains why itis sometimes difficult to prove that faith and science can assist each otherwhen searching for a true reality. What are the causes and effects of the conflictingconcepts of faith and science? Faith and science can affect many people, notjust the people involved with one side or the other. Since faith has manycomplex ideas, Kierkegaards is not the only one to contemplate. Regarding thisinformation, Kierkegaards definition of faith is not the only conflictingconcept. Empiricism relates to faith and it also brings upon many topics that proveto be contradictory. One major conflict that arises from faith is the proof andevidence from science that may discontinue the original concept of faith. If this begins to occur with all topics involved with faith, then the concepts maybe completely forgotten. More people may start discovering empirical proof toconstantly contradict ideas of faith, leading to science controlling most ofthe population. Science does not seem to be endangered even the slightest bit,but levels of faith may begin to drop. Science, in fact, continues to evolvewhile producing deductive evidence within observations. Faith may not beproviding many new concepts and ideas, but old practices are still functioning(Perception of Conflict n.pag.). Faith and science continue to conflict witheach other, but neither are at a great risk of withdrawal. Throughout many centuries, ideas and understandings offaith and science have evolved. From Kierkegaards leap of faithunderstanding to A.J. Ayer and his favorable topic of Logical Positivism, thetwo topics have become much more complex over the years. Logical positivism (orlogical empiricism) can be defined as a statement that is only meaningful ifit is either purely formal or capable of empirical verification (LogicalPositivism n.pag). In other words, the information must be completelyscientific or it must be justified by faith. This is a big reason as to why theconcept is an issue. Proving a scientific theory wrong with faith is more difficultthan vice versa. A.J. Ayer attempted to understand the problem with inductivereasoning, but was continuously unsuccessful. The issue with inductivereasoning explains why proving a scientific theory false with concepts of faithdoes not function well. Moving from a specific and detailed concept to a morecommon topic does not make much sense. In most cases, faith and sciencechallenge each other, but infrequently, they can assist and truly prove the opposingtopic. Attempting to bring together the topics of faith andscience is difficult, but it can be done. Difficulty emerges from other philosophicaltheories such as empiricism, rationalism, foundationalism, and logicalpositivism. Many of these theories mainly oppose and falsify faith, which makesthe topics of faith and science even more disconnected. Although, they havethis opposition, there are ways that they prove each correct. As previously stated,there are steps of faith for Christian students. As these students become religiouslyconfirmed, they develop into young adults that will begin their new life. Somemay obtain jobs within scientific fields while still acquiring and portraying religiousfaith. People are the answer as to how faith and science can coexist. Peoplecreate the connections between faith and science and among many other conceptsand this is what brings a true reality. Works Cited
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